Case Study - Brett Brothers

The Bretts steam boiler replacement is an example of KB Combustions ability to project manage and deliver on customer expectations.
The project required the replacement of a 1970's Wee Chieftain oil fired steam boiler, with a new high efficiency LPG fired boiler.
Bretts selected the Byworth Y2SX high efficiency boiler complete with flue gas economiser, Dunphy LPG burner with electronic combustion controller, burner motor inverter, boiler options included sef monitoring Spirax Sarco modulating level controls, automatic bottom blowdown system, TDS blowdown system, twin boiler feed pumps for duty standby operation with inverters on the feed pump motors.
New boiler feed tank and blowdown vessel were also ordered with the boiler.
Once the boiler was ordered Bretts set about planning the whole boilerhouse refurbishment, KB Combustion installed one of our containerised mobile boilers and connected it into the steam system, once the temporary boiler was commissioned the old boiler was de-commissoned and removed.
This allowed for a completely clear boiler room in which the builder could carry out the required works. The boilerhouse was extended to allow for the new boiler layout, new floor cast and all walls rendered internally. Once completed the boiler room was painted and got ready for the new boiler.
During the building works the factory operated on the temporary boiler house adjacent to the main boiler house.
Once the new boiler plant arrived KB Combustion offloaded and poitioned the boiler, feed tank and blowdown vessel. Provision was made for the Bretts chosen water treatment plant to be installed adjacent to the new feed tank.
A brand new steam header was fabricated and fitted with new valves and pressure gauges and finished with foil backed insulation and valve insulation jackets.
The installation was completed and the boiler commissioned, on completion, the temporary boiler was removed from site.